What is AAC?

AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) is a set of tools and strategies that support individuals with communication difficulties to express themselves effectively. Unfortunately, several myths surrounding AAC can hinder its use and effectiveness. This post will explore some common AAC myths and truths and provide accurate information.

Myth #1: AAC will hinder speech development

Research shows that AAC can facilitate speech development, especially for individuals who are non-speaking or have limited verbal skills. AAC encourages the use of natural speech and promotes the development of language and literacy skills.

Myth #2: AAC will fix all communication needs

Fact: AAC is a journey. Building a foundation, consistent practice, and daily implementation takes time for any communication system. You cannot simply introduce a communication system and expect an individual to master it.

Myth #3: AAC is a last resort 

Fact: AAC should be a viable option from the start, and individuals with communication difficulties should have access to AAC tools and strategies as soon as possible. Delaying AAC implementation can lead to frustration, anxiety, and social isolation, negatively impacting an individual’s overall quality of life.

Myth #4: AAC is expensive

Fact: AAC devices can be low-cost, and free options are available. Additionally, free or low-cost AAC apps and software are available for smartphones and tablets.

Myth #5: AAC is a one-size-fits-all solution

Fact: AAC is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Different individuals may require different types of AAC tools and strategies. The AAC tool and strategy type depends on the individual’s specific communication needs, preferences, and abilities. Some individuals may benefit from low-tech AAC tools, such as picture books or communication boards, while others may require high-tech AAC devices with synthesized speech.

The Truths

AAC is a valuable tool that can help individuals with communication difficulties to express themselves effectively.

Truth #1: AAC Improves Communication

Fact: AAC devices can help people with difficulty speaking or communicating express themselves more effectively. They provide a means for people to convey their thoughts, ideas, and needs to others.

Truth #2: AAC Increases Independence

Fact: AAC devices can help people become more independent by enabling them to communicate without needing assistance from others.

Truth #3: AAC Creates Greater Social Inclusion

Fact: AAC devices can help individuals with communication needs to participate more fully in social activities, increasing their sense of belonging and reducing feelings of isolation.

Truth #4: AAC Creates Enhanced educational opportunities:

Fact: AAC devices can be used in educational settings to support learning and communication for students with communication needs.

Truth #4: AAC Promotes an Improved Quality of Life

Fact: AAC devices can enhance the quality of life for people with communication needs by improving their ability to communicate effectively, which can reduce frustration and improve relationships with others. It is essential to debunk common myths surrounding AAC to ensure that individuals with communication challenges can access the support they need to communicate effectively.