5 Fun Holiday Activities for the Self-Contained Classroom
The holiday season is an excellent time to fill the classroom with joy and creativity. Create activities that not only engage non-verbal students but also provide opportunities for conversation, sensory exploration, and fun! These 5 inclusive holiday activities for students in a self-contained classroom will help to make the season memorable for all of your students.
Holiday Sensory Bins

Include holiday-themed items in sensory bins, like fake snow, jingle bells, small trinkets, and soft fabric pieces. Pair the holiday activity with an AAC communication board and picture symbols. Include words like “snow,” “cold,” “jingle,” and “soft.”
Holiday Music and Movement
Play popular holiday songs and encourage students to make music by using switch-adapted instruments or provide hand-under-hand assistance to participate. I love to pair this fun holiday activity with picture symbols so that students can ask for their favorites, like “Jingle Bells” or “Frosty the Snowman.”
Holiday Story Time

Read a holiday story like “The Snowy Day” or “Sneezy The Snowman”. Pre-program key phrases from the story into their AAC devices or provide picture symbols they can point to during the reading. This will help students actively participate by “reading” along.
Make Holiday Cards
Encourage students to design and create holiday cards for local nursing homes, hospitals, and community members. Offer picture symbols for decorations and phrases such as “Happy Holidays,” “Warm Wishes,” and “Joy.”
Hot Cocoa Social

Set up a hot cocoa station where students can create their own Christmas drinks. Use picture symbols or AAC boards to assist students in making requests for goods such as marshmallows, whipped cream, and peppermint sticks. Encourage social engagement by asking students to give their opinions on the holiday activity with statements like “I like this” or “It’s yummy.”
Holiday Light Exploration
Set up a darkened area with string lights, projectors, or illuminated holiday decorations to create an unforgettable setting. Students can utilize switches to turn on and off lights, which allows them to practice cause-and-effect skills. Pair this activity with AAC boards with words such as “on,” “off,” “bright,” and “color.”
Holiday activities for the classroom are an excellent way to improve communication skills, encourage creativity, and add joy to your classroom. By introducing AAC and tailoring activities to your students’ specific needs, you ensure that every student can participate and feel included in the festivities.
USE The December AAC Calendar
for more fun and festive activity ideas for your self-contained classroom!

What are your favorite festive events for your self-contained classroom? Please share your ideas below or tag me on Instagram @TheAdaptedClassroom with your classroom holiday activities!